We Create Controls

We Deliver Creative That Wins. Consistently.  Our Secret? It’s as simple as 1-2-3.

01. Finely Honed Strategies

  • Our creative approach is based in direct response strategies developed from 30+ years experience, that drive results helping you meet your campaign goals and become your new control.

02. Winning Design.

  • IngramCS delivers creative that honors the brand, drives response and wins … consistently. We create magalogs, direct mail, print, and digital designed for powerful, measurable results.

03. Brilliant Copy

  • We team with the best copywriters in the business.  Writers the likes of Ken Scheider, to guarantee our best chance of success for you. We’re also happy to work with your copy, or team with your writers.

A selection of winning direct mail and digital.

Want to win big this spring? Put a proven creative team to work for you!

Dwight IngramCreative Director  |  IngramCS

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